Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio

Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio


Charitable Estate Planning

There are many ways you can arrange an estate gift to help ensure that WNRN will continue long into the future. Here are some planned gift ideas to consider and discuss with your financial advisor. 

For more planned giving information please contact:

Liz Dooley, Membership Coordinator
Phone: 434-971-4096 ext 112

The full legal name of WNRN for all planned giving purposes is:

Stu-Comm Inc. (D.B.A. “WNRN”)
2250 Old Ivy Road Suite 2
Charlottesville, VA 22093

Federal Tax ID: 54-1681363


Your Will or Living Trust

It is easy to arrange a bequest for WNRN in your will or living trust. Simply add the full legal name of WNRN (Stu-Comm Inc.) to your will before it is reviewed by your attorney. Our full legal information can be found below.

Savings Accounts and CDs

You can name WNRN as a beneficiary on a bank account by setting it up as a Payable-on-Death account. Ask your bank for the proper paperwork. This simple process bypasses probate.

Life Insurance

If you have an existing life insurance policy, you can name WNRN as a beneficiary. If your policy has cash value and you no longer need it, you can donate the policy directly to WNRN and claim a deduction for its value. In some cases, it may make sense to consider a new life insurance policy to benefit WNRN.


You can arrange for a gift to be paid from your IRA or retirement plan. Simply add the full legal name of WNRN, Stu-Comm Inc., as a beneficiary. You can leave any portion of the amount that remains at the end of your life.


You can transfer shares of stock and mutual funds directly to WNRN. If your shares have appreciated in value, you can avoid capital gains taxes and earn a deduction for their current value. You can also set up your investment account as a Transfer-on-Death account so that the balance will come directly to WNRN at your death.