
Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio

Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio


Profile: Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic Riverview Farm

Susie Farmer is the Education Director at Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic Riverview Farm in Charlottesville—a nature preserve with over 7 miles of trails and original buildings. Through year-round programming, the Ivy Creek Foundation preserves the legacy of the Carr-Greer family and educates the community about their contributions. Hugh Carr never learned to read or write, but made sure that his seven children received an education. They all went on to become educators or community leaders, including his oldest daughter, Mary.

“Mary Carr-Greer taught at the Albermarle Training School. She became the first female principal—a position she held for 15 years,” says Susie.

The Ivy Creek Foundation continues to research the Carr-Greer family to learn more about their work in the community and their lives.

Susie explains, “This research isn’t always easy because there were not a lot of records kept about enslaved people. We are working to stabilize and preserve the historic buildings, including the farmhouse, the outbuildings, and the barn.”

Learn more through our interview below and at ivycreekfoundation.org.