Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio

Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio


Hear Together: Farmers Market at Ix

Every Saturday Market Central brings local farms, food, and art to Charlottesville at the Farmers Market at Ix.

Now in it’s 5th year as an all season market, the Farmers Market at Ix provides a place for people to learn more about our local farms and seasonal produce and discover new cuisines including authentic Jamaican fare from Rum Punch and southern fusion food from SFG. Farms such as Bellair, Singing Produce and Agriberry Farm stay with us all winter and will be joined by over 20 more farms in the summer!

They welcome you to the market to explore seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, local meats, and handmade gifts.

Parking is available, and they accept SNAP. More information about Market Central’s programs including the farmers market is at

Market Central is a proud financial supporter of WNRN.