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Independent Music Radio

Listener Supported
Independent Music Radio



Hear Together: Agecroft Hall & Gardens – Shakespeare’s Birthday

Agecroft Hall & Gardens is a Tudor manor house museum located near Richmond’s Carytown district.

Agecroft originally stood outside Manchester, England for more than four centuries. Then in the 1920s, it was relocated to Virginia where it was adaptively rebuilt as an American country house. Today it is a Tudor museum with gardens and trails that welcomes guests for tours and events throughout the year.

On Saturday, April 26th from noon to 5pm, Agecroft Hall & Gradens is presenting Shakespeare’s Birthday: A Celebration of the Bard. 

They welcome you to join them at their Tudor estate as they celebrate the playwright’s 461st birthday.

You can bring a picnic—and on the grounds they’ll have vendors, games, dances, songs, and other activities for guests of all ages.

Hear Together: SARA Roanoke Shine a Light Concert

SARA Roanoke is a nonprofit dedicated to eliminating sexual violence in the Roanoke Valley since 2011. They’re presenting the second annual Shine a Light concert on Saturday, April 26th at 5 Points Music Sanctuary in Downtown Roanoke. There will be live music from American roots rock band, The Floorboards, a silent auction, and the Birrieria La Vaca food truck will be onsite. Proceeds from this fundraiser support SARA’s advocacy free and confidential services for survivors of sexual violence.

Hear Together: Lynchburg Beacon of Hope HOPEx 2025

Lynchburg Beacon of Hope is a nonprofit dedicated to helping Lynchburg City School students plan and pursue their futures.

They welcome you to join them on Friday, April 4th at 7PM at the Academy Center of the Arts’ Historic Theater for HOPEx 2025: The Art of Change—an evening where stories, innovation, and community come to life. 

This year’s lineup includes Broadway actor Phillip Boykin, fresh off his role as Hades in Hadestown; Daryl Calfee, a real estate developer investing in Lynchburg’s future; and Dr. Chris Kukk, a Fulbright Scholar, dean and professor at Longwood University Plus, you’ll hear from four young alumni working to make an impact in our community at large!

You can find more information and tickets online at

Hear Together: Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Open Studios

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts is a nonprofit in Amherst that provides time and space for writers, visual artists, and composers to focus exclusively on their creative work. 

They invite you to come see what artists from around the world are working on in their VCCA studios on Sunday, April 13th from 4-6PM. You can chat with artists about their creative process, explore VCCA’s outdoor art collection, and enjoy light refreshments. 

Hear Together: Blue Sky Fund Outdoor Leadership Institute

Blue Sky Fund is a youth development non-profit that aims to provide transformational experiences for Richmond area youth through outdoor education.

They are currently recruiting for the next cohort of rising 9-12th grade students from across the Richmond metro area for their Outdoor Leadership Institute, a year-long program that brings together students from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds for connecting, leadership training, a 5-day wilderness trip to Virginia’s highest peak, and monthly community service projects. This program is designed to foster individual growth, increase personal resiliency, and cultivate leadership skills.

Hear Together: Local Colors Festival

Local Colors in Roanoke is a nonprofit organization that celebrates cultures from around the world. They aim to foster the values of inclusion, equity, and multicultural understanding. 

Local Colors welcomes you to join them for their signature event, the Local Colors Festival, on Saturday, May 17th at Elmwood Park.

This event brings different cultures together for a Parade of Nations, an afternoon of performances, cuisine, artisan crafts and cultural displays plus activities for the kids. This event is open to the public.

Hear Together: James Madison’s Montpelier We the Kids Day

James Madison’s Montpelier is hosting their annual We the Kids Day on Saturday, April 5th from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, during spring break. They will have a variety of activities designed for children and families that include hands-on science and nature activities, historic cooking and 19th century photography demonstrations, live colonial era music, and more. This year, Montpelier has partnered with community organizations and historic sites to showcase their offerings. You can also walk along Montpelier’s 8+ miles of trails winding through horse pastures, meadows, and old-growth forests. 

At James Madison’s Montpelier, engaging and inspiring audiences of all ages is a core part of their mission. They welcome you to join Montpelier to study the US Constitution, learn about the preservation of the American storied past, and immerse yourself in the power of place.

Hear Together: Farmers Market at Ix

Every Saturday Market Central brings local farms, food, and art to Charlottesville at the Farmers Market at Ix. 

Now in it’s 5th year as an all season market, the Farmers Market at Ix provides a place for people to learn more about our local farms and seasonal produce and discover new cuisines including authentic Jamacian fare from Rum Punch and southern fusion food from SFG. Farms such as Bellair, Singing Produce and Agriberry Farm stay with us all winter and will be joined by over 20 more farms in the summer!

They welcome you to the market to explore seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, local meats, and handmade gifts.

Parking is available, and they accept SNAP.

Hear Together: Girls on the Run Central Virginia and Blue Ridge 5ks

Girls on the Run Central Virginia and Blue Ridge is hosting three upcoming 5k Celebrations representing teams of girls in grades 3rd to 8th to promote healthy, active lifestyles and social development. Their upcoming 5k dates are April 26th in Roanoke, April 27th in Charlottesville, and May 3rd in Lynchburg.

Girls on the Run is a nationwide and international nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering girls to build healthy physical and mental habits that last long beyond the program. They aim to make a positive impact on girls’ lives in our community.

Proceeds from their 5ks benefit current and future programming for fall and spring seasons. 

Hear Together: Montessori School of Charlottesville Truck Touch Event

Montessori School of Charlottesville is a non-profit Montessori School in the Charlottesville area. On Saturday, May 3rd from 10am – 1pm, they are hosting their annual Truck Touch Event at the Fairview Swim Club.

The Truck Touch is a family friendly event that allows children to explore some of their favorite trucks! There will be food vendors, face painting, a strider bike course and live music.

All proceeds will go towards increasing their scholarship fund so that they can continue to broaden access to early childhood education in our community!